杨千嬅(Miriam Yeung,1974年2月3日-),出生中国香港,毕业于香港理工大学社会科学院,中国香港著名女演员、歌手。
1995年参加无线电视举办的第14届新秀歌唱比赛得到季军而进入娱乐圈;1996年,发行首张专辑《狼来了》;2000年,获得叱吒乐坛女歌手金奖;2002年凭电影《新扎师妹》获得意大利乌甸尼影展最受观众欢迎大奖;2004年凭电影《地下铁》获第九届香港金紫荆奖提名最佳女主角;2007年凭电视剧《武十郎》获金南方影视奖最佳女主角奖;2010年凭电影《抱抱俏佳人》获得香港电影评论学会大奖最佳女主角;同年,也凭《志明与春娇》获香港电影金像奖提名最佳女主角;2013年凭借《春娇与志明》夺得第32届香港电影金像奖最佳女主角;2016年,主演电影《春娇救志明》[2]、《宝贝当家》。2018年8月17日,获得第一届中国双塔山爱情电影周年度盛典2017年度爱情电影优秀女主角奖。2020年10月,杨千嬅出道25周年纪录片《杨千嬅I·II·III MY STORY》在中国香港首映。
Hong Kong singer Miriam Yeung
Miriam Yeung (born Miriam Yeung, February 3, 1974) is a well-known actress and singer in Hong Kong, China. She graduated from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
In 1995, he entered the entertainment industry by winning the third place in the 14th New Talent Singing Contest held by TVB. Her debut album, The Cry of the Wolf, was released in 1996. In 2000, she won the gold medal of Chizhaa female singer. In 2002, she won the most popular award at the Udini Film Festival for her film "New Tashi Shi Mi". In 2004, she was nominated for Best Actress in the 9th Hong Kong Golden Bauhinia Award for her film Subway. In 2007, she won the Best Actress Award of Golden South Film Awards for her TV drama "Wu Shilang". In 2010, she won the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Award for Best Actress for her film "Pretty Woman". In the same year, she was nominated for Best Actress at the Hong Kong Film Awards for her role in Buff. In 2013, she won the Best Actress in the 32nd Hong Kong Film Awards with Buff in the Buff. In 2016, she starred in the films "Buff" and "Baby in Charge". On August 17, 2018, she won the 2017 Annual Love Film Outstanding Actress Award in the first annual ceremony of China Shuangtashan Love Film Week. In October 2020, the 25th anniversary documentary "Miriam III III My Story" premiered in Hong Kong, China.
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